핵심 단어: | 요약 배경 Defocused 빛 흐림 효과 Bokeh 부드러운 반짝이 녹색 디자인 모호한 배경 빛 빛나는 밝은 Defocus 부드러운 렌즈 원형 마술 조명 벽지 봄 |
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파일 형식: | Adobe Illustrator ai ( .ai ) vector illustration graphic art design format, Encapsulated PostScript eps ( .eps ) vector illustration graphic art design format |
파일 크기: | 2.16MB |
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리소스 정보: | You can use this graphic design for commercial with attribution to all-free-download.com. Please buy a commercial licence for commercial use without attribution. |
License: | Free for commercial with attribution. Please give a backlink to all-free-download.com. With out attribution just buy an commercial licence.Redistribute is forbidden. Please check author page for more information |
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